SAMIKIVU Sarl is a Congolese Agro-pastoral and Mining Company of Kivu whose aim is to develop an industry in the domain of Agriculture, Pastoral and Mining in the Great Lakes region.

In the mining sector, its perspective is to develop gradually from small scale mining to the industrial mining which is a guarantee of sustainable development.

SAMIKIVU Sarl uses geological methods to generate mineral targets involving activity (artisanal workings…) observation, knowledge, insight, opportunism, persistence, lateral thinking and luck.
SAMIKIVU Sarl is also interested by other compound derived from the mineral with an industrial application (end use) including rocks, such as granite, sand, gravel and limestone that are used for constructional purposes (often referred to as aggregates or bulk materials), as well as the more valuable minerals with specific chemical or physical properties, such as fluorite, phosphate, kaolinite and perlite.

Besides his scope domain above presented, SAMIKIVU Sarl is a team of geologists with experience approved in the reinforcement of the artisanal mining sector and support of semi - mechanized projects in the Great Lakes region. Thus it opens up a great opportunity for qualified labor to local and national mining investors in the implementation framework of their project and / or field recognition for highlighting prospective potentialities in terms of mineralogical resources. The reports provided are supported by scientific exchanges with universities in the region.

Dans le domaine Géologique SAMIKIVU sarl valorise ses sites miniers se trouvant dans ses différents permis de recherches notamment au Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Maniema et Tanganyika et fournie un service de qualité pour les investisseurs congolais dans le cadre de formalisation de leurs activités minières et la rentabilité de leurs exploitations en adaptant les moyens financiers disponibles aux réalités des terrains.

Dans le domaine minier à l’aide de son équipe d’ingénieur SAMIKIVU sarl propose à ses partenaires des solutions techniques liées aux conditions d’exploitabilités de leurs mines où différentes études de stabilité et d’exploitabilité de la mine sont exécutées.

Dans le domaine environnemental SAMIKIVU sarl travaille en étroite collaboration avec les bureaux d’études agrées pour présenter à ses partenaires un produit plus efficient élaboré dans les conditions et normes requises