Our consultant partners

Mineral exploration and mining professionals include a range of people: business people involved in financial and entrepreneurial activities in the mining industry, geotechnical processes, board members and company management no longer involved in day to day exploration but often with past hands-on experience, technical assistants, tenement managers, environmental and safety personnel, drillers, surveyors, IT specialists, geophysicists and geochemists, ore reserve specialists, various types of consultants, and the exploration geologists.

For the moment, depending on the type and size of a Project, SAMIKIVU Sarl works in collaboration with experimented geologist from university as well as with experienced geologists in order to make good work, give employment

  • The UNILU (University of Lubumbashi DRC), Rwanda National University (Butare, Rwanda) and Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda).
  • Other experienced geologists, generally with more than 10 years experienced in exploration and mining in DRC